How many viable words can you put together with this combination of letters?There are up to 288 entries on our list of words where the 3rd letter is 'j' and 4th letter is 'u'.
Which word in particular from this list has the highest character count?'unjustifiableness' (17 characters)
In Scrabble, what's the highest number of points possible using words where the third letter is 'j' and fourth letter is 'u'?With the number of words from which to select, your best choice is to choose 'jejunely' scoring 25 points.
Is there a word on this page that jumps out as the most popular?'Injury' is the most popular word from this where the 3rd letter is 'j' and 4th letter is 'u', ranked 4599th most common word.
Is there a specific word from this page which might be thought of as unique in any respect?The most unusual word in this list is 'adjuratory'. The dictionary defines it as "Containing an adjuration.".