Words that have 'k' as the second letter and 'u' as fourth letter

Overall you'll find 14 words that are possible to use from the dictionary for words that have 'k' as the second letter and 'u' as fourth letter.

5 letter words

  • okrug
  • skout

6 letter words

  • akhund
  • okoume
  • okruzi
  • skouth

7 letter words

  • akmudar
  • skyugle
  • skrupul

8 letter words

  • akmuddar

10 letter words

  • akhundzada
  • akoulalion
  • skeuomorph

12 letter words

  • skeuomorphic

Which word in particular from this list has the highest character count?
The word 'skeuomorphic' is made up of 12 characters.

How many usable words can you put together from words where the 2nd letter is 'k' and 4th letter is 'u'?
All in all, it is feasible to make up to 14 words.

What is an unusual word from all the word combos available ?
'Skout' definitely ranks as the most interesting word in our list of words where the 2nd letter is 'k' and 4th letter is 'u'. It means "A guillemot.".

What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble available from this list ?
We suggest using 'okruzi' for a score of 19 points.