How many words can you put together using this combination of letters?Overall, it is feasible to make up to 1,703 words.
What's a peculiar word from the word combinations available ?Veryceleb considers 'plantership' to be the most strange word you can assemble. It is defined as "The occupation or position of a planter, or the management of a plantation, as in the United States or the West Indies.".
What is the most popular word where the second letter is 'l' and fifth letter is 't'?The most popular word in this list according to our system is 'electronic', which is actually the 463rd most common word in this list.
What is the longest word you can assemble with the combination of letters specified?The word 'electroencephalographically' is made up of 27 characters.
In Scrabble, what is the highest possible score you can get using words where 'l' is the second letter and 't' is the fifth letter?As there are a considerable 1,703 entries, your best choice is 'blintzes' which scores 19 points.