Words that have 'm' as the second letter and 't' as third letter

12 results are available for the combination requested.

3 letter words

  • amt
  • fmt
  • pmt

6 letter words

  • amtman
  • amtmen
  • amtrac
  • amtrak
  • umteen

7 letter words

  • amtrack
  • amtracs

8 letter words

  • amtracks
  • umteenth

What is a strange word from all the word combinations available ?
The most peculiar word based on a recently conducted poll is 'amt'. According to the English dictionary, 'amt' is defined as "An administrative territorial division in Denmark and Norway. Each of the provinces [of Denmark] is divided into several amts, answering . . . To the English hundreds. Encyc. Brit.".

How many usable words could one make using the combination you've searched for?
There are 12 words available for any word where the 2nd letter is 'm' and 3rd letter is 't'.

In Scrabble, what is the most points you can get using this list of words where the 2nd letter is 'm' and 3rd letter is 't'?
Using this combination, it is possible to make 'amtracks' for a total of 16 points.

What's the longest word you can create using words where the 2nd letter is 'm' and 3rd letter is 't'?
Try 'amtracks', which consists of 8 characters.