What's the biggest word you can construct from words where the second letter is 'm' and fourth letter is 'v'?'Amovability' has 11 characters, and is the biggest word possible to make from this list.
How many words can you put together using this combination of letters?On this page of words that have 'm' as the second letter and 'v' as fourth letter, veryceleb has found 7 fantastic entries which can be selected.
Which word where the 2nd letter is 'm' and 4th letter is 'v' is the most interesting?Ranking as the most peculiar word on this page is 'amove'. The conventional definition of 'amove' is as follows: "1. To remove, as a person or thing, from a position. [Obs.] Dr. H. More. 2. (Law) To dismiss from an office or station. To move or be moved; to excite. [Obs.] Spenser.".
In Scrabble, what's the highest possible score possible from words where 'm' is the 2nd letter and 'v' is the 4th letter?From this combination, you can play 'amovable' scoring 15 in Scrabble.