How many acceptable words can you put together using the specified combination?You could assemble 1,519 words using the combination you specified.
What's the longest word you can create from this list?There are 19 characters in the word 'unplatitudinousness', that makes it the longest word veryceleb has.
What's the highest score you could get in Scrabble from this list of words where 'n' is the second letter and 'l' is the fourth letter?With a massive 1,519 entries, we'd suggest choosing 'analyzed' which scores 21 points in total.
What word where the second letter is 'n' and fourth letter is 'l' is the most unusual?'Influential' definitely ranks as the most unusual word in our list of words where the second letter is 'n' and fourth letter is 'l'. The definition of 'influential' is as follows: "Exerting or possessing influence or power; potent; efficacious; effective; strong; having authority or ascendency; as, an influential man, station, argument, etc. A very influential Gascon prefix. Earle.".
Is there a word on this page that jumps out as the most common?A popular word for the combination you searched is 'including'.