What is the biggest word you can construct with words where the 3rd letter is 'n' and 4th letter is 'c'?The biggest word is 23 letters long, which is 'pancreaticoduodenostomy'.
What's the max number of words one is able to assemble from this list?You can select up to 2,618 entries that cover all combinations.
What's the most common word on this page?Ranking as the 305th most popular word, you'll want to make sure you have 'since' in your repertoire.
In Scrabble, what is the highest score you can get using words where the 3rd letter is 'n' and 4th letter is 'c'?Since there are plenty of words from which to select, your best option is to consider 'zincize' which scores 27 points overall.
Is there an example of a word from this page which might be thought of as interesting?The most strange word based on public feedback is 'concertante'. 'Concertante' is defined as "A concert for two or more principal instruments, with orchestral accompaniment. Also adjectively; as, concertante parts.", according to the dictionary.