Words that have 'p' as the second letter and 'k' as third letter

7 entries have been detected.

3 letter words

  • tpk

4 letter words

  • tpke

6 letter words

  • upkeep
  • upknit

7 letter words

  • upkeeps
  • upknell

8 letter words

  • upkindle

How many words are there using the combination of letters specified?
From this list of words where the second letter is 'p' and third letter is 'k', there are 7 fantastic entries which are possible altogether.

What's an unusual word from this page?
By far the most unusual word from this list is 'upkeep'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'upkeep' is defined as "The act of keeping up, or maintaining; maintenance. "Horse artillery . . . Expensive in the upkeep." Scribner's Mag. Small outlays for repairs or upkeep of buildings. A. R. Colquhoun.".

In Scrabble, what's the highest possible score you can get from words where the second letter is 'p' and third letter is 'k'?
For 15 points, you are able to use 'upkeeps'.

Which word on this page has the highest character count?
'Upkindle' is the largest word that veryceleb could construct.