What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble available from this list ?For a total of 19 points, it's possible to play 'bepuffed'.
What is the most popular word where the 3rd letter is 'p' and 5th letter is 'f'?Rating as the 9788th most common word, you will want to ensure you've got 'hopeful' written down.
What's a weird word from the word combos available ?The most weird word based on a recent poll is 'hopeful'. According to the English dictionary, 'hopeful' means "1. Full of hope, or agreeable expectation; inclined to hope; expectant. Men of their own natural inclination hopeful and strongly conceited. Hooker. 2. Having qualities which excite hope; affording promise of good or of success; as, a hopeful youth; a hopeful prospect. "Hopeful scholars." Addison. -- Hope"ful*ly, adv. -- Hope"ful*ness,...".
What is the max number of words you could make from this combination of letters?You can pick from 58 entries.
Which word from this list has the highest letter count?'Hypofunction' is the biggest word that our database could find. It is made up 12 characters.