What is the highest score you could get in Scrabble from this list of words where 'p' is the 3rd letter and 'l' is the 4th letter?As there are loads of words to pick from, your best bet is to go for 'applique' scoring 21 points in total.
What is the most popular word where the third letter is 'p' and fourth letter is 'l'?The most well-known word in the dictionary according to our database is 'replied', which is in fact the 477th most common word in this list.
Which word in particular from this list consists the highest number of characters?'unplatitudinousness' (19 characters)
What is the maximum number of words one can assemble from words where the third letter is 'p' and fourth letter is 'l'?Altogether, it is possible to make 1,094 words.
What's an unusual word from this page of words where the third letter is 'p' and fourth letter is 'l'?One of the most peculiar words from this list is 'implacentalia'. 'Implacentalia' is defined as "A primary division of the Mammalia, including the monotremes and marsupials, in which no placenta is formed.", according to the dictionary.