What is the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?As there are a myriad of words to select from, your best choice is to choose 'squeezy' which scores 28 points in total.
How many possible words can you make using this combination of letters?You could derive 972 words with this combination.
Which word on this page is the most popular?A well-known word for your request is 'equal'.
What's a peculiar word from all the word combinations possible on this list?Standing as the most unusual word on this page is 'equivalue'. It means "To put an equal value upon; to put (something) on a par with another thing. W. Taylor.".
How many characters does the longest word from this list consist of?The biggest word one can derive from this list is 'aquopentamminecobaltic', and it has 22 characters.