What's the maximum number of words you are able to make using words where the third letter is 'q' and fifth letter is 'e'?From this page of words where 'q' is the 3rd letter and 'e' is the 5th letter, there are 240 entries that are possible.
How many letters does the longest word from this page consist of?The biggest word on this page is 'unquestionableness'. It consists of 18 letters.
Which word on this page ranks as the most popular?Our system notes that the most common word in the dictionary where the 3rd letter is 'q' and 5th letter is 'e' is 'request'!
What is an unusual word from the word combinations possible on this page?Our favorite weird word from this page goes to 'liquefiable'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'liquefiable' means "Capable of being changed from a solid to a liquid state.".
In Scrabble, what is the most points you can get using words that have 'q' as the third letter and 'e' as fifth letter?With the volume of words to choose from, you may want to pick 'zoquean' which scores 25 points overall.