Words that have 'q' as the third letter and 'w' as fourth letter

Regrettably for this search there are only 2 words😢

5 letter words

  • seqwl

7 letter words

  • beqwete

How many characters does the longest word from this list consist of?
The longest word is 7 letters, which is 'beqwete'.

In Scrabble, what's the best score you can get using this list of words where 'q' is the 3rd letter and 'w' is the 4th letter?
As there is merely a handful of words possible, you are obligated to use 'beqwete' which totals 21 points.

How many words is it possible to make using this combination of letters?
There are 2 words that can be found for any word where the third letter is 'q' and fourth letter is 'w'.