What's the highest number of points you can get in Scrabble from this list of words where 'r' is the second letter and 'q' is the fourth letter?We advise using 'araquaju' for a score of 24 points.
What's the most popular word where the second letter is 'r' and fourth letter is 'q' in the dictionary?The most popular word for your search is 'frequently'.
What's the longest word you can make with this list?'Prequalification' contains 16 letters, and is the longest word one could make from this combination.
What word where the second letter is 'r' and fourth letter is 'q' is the most unique?Our team considers 'triquadrantal' to be the most strange word on this page. According to the English dictionary, 'triquadrantal' is defined as "Having three quadrants; thus, a triquadrantal triangle is one whose three sides are quadrants, and whose three angles are consequently right angles.".
What's the max number of words one can construct using this list?It's possible to derive 72 words using this combination.