How many words can you put together with words where the second letter is 'r' and fourth letter is 'y'?All in all, you'll find 235 words.
How many characters are in the biggest word from this page?The word 'argyrocephalous' contains 15 characters.
Which word where the second letter is 'r' and fourth letter is 'y' is the most common word in the dictionary?A popular word for the combination you requested is 'army'.
What is a peculiar word from this list?The most peculiar word from this list is 'freya'. 'Freya' is defined as "The daughter of Njörd, aud goddess of love and beauty; the Scandinavian Venus; -- in Teutonic myths confounded with Frigga, but in Scandinavian, distinct. [Written also Frea, fraying, and Ereyja.]", according to the dictionary.
What's the highest number of points you're able to get in Scrabble using this list of words where the second letter is 'r' and fourth letter is 'y'?With an overwhelming 235 entries, your best option is to go for 'grayback' scoring 20 points in total.