What is the most popular word where the third letter is 'r' and fifth letter is 'b'?'Throbbing' is the most popular word from this page, ranked 11032nd most common word.
What's the longest word you can construct using this list?The biggest word is 21 letters, which is 'aerobacteriologically'.
How many words are possible to make using the specified combination?There are up to a maximum of 867 entries.
What's a peculiar word on this list of words where the 3rd letter is 'r' and 5th letter is 'b'?The most notable word based on public feedback is 'fireball'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'fireball' means "(a) (Mil.) A ball filled with powder or other combustibles, intended to be thrown among enemies, and to injure by explosion; also, to set fire to their works and light them up, so that movements may be seen. (B) A luminous meteor, resembling a ball of fire passing rapidly through...".
What is the highest number of points you can get in Scrabble from this list of words that have 'r' as the 3rd letter and 'b' as 5th letter?Given there are an enormous 867 entries, your best choice is 'workbox' which scores 23 points.