What word where the third letter is 'r' and fifth letter is 'i' is the most unusual?'Carbimide' is definitely the most weird word in our list of words where the third letter is 'r' and fifth letter is 'i'. The definition of 'carbimide' is as follows: "The technical name for isocyanic acid. See under Isocyanic.".
What is the most popular word for this page?A common word for the combination you searched is 'morning'.
In Scrabble, what is the best score you can get from this list of words that have 'r' as the third letter and 'i' as fifth letter?As there are so many words to choose from, we would advise selecting 'zeroize' which scores 25 points overall.
What is the longest word you can derive from this list?'Turbinatocylindrical' has 20 letters, and is the biggest word you can make from this combination.
How many words could one put together with this combination of letters?It is possible to create 4,011 words with the combination you asked for.