What's an unusual word from this page?The most strange word from this list is surely 'thrombus'. The dictionary defines it as "(a) A clot of blood formed of a passage of a vessel and remaining at the site of coagulation. (B) A tumor produced by the escape of blood into the subcutaneous cellular tissue.".
What's the largest word you can construct using words where the third letter is 'r' and fifth letter is 'm'?The biggest word is 21 characters, which is 'chromophotolithograph'.
What's the most common word where the 3rd letter is 'r' and 5th letter is 'm' in the dictionary?The most popular word for your request is 'ceremony'.
How many words can you make using the combination specified?On this page of words where 'r' is the 3rd letter and 'm' is the 5th letter, there are 1,323 effective entries that are available.
In Scrabble, what's the most points you can get using words where the third letter is 'r' and fifth letter is 'm'?With a sizeable 1,323 entries, we would suggest selecting 'chremzel' which scores 24 points overall.