What's the max number of words you're able to create using this combination of letters?You can select up to 1,298 entries addressing your query.
What is an interesting word from this list of words where the 3rd letter is 'r' and 5th letter is 'p'?'Pyrophone' definitely ranks as the most peculiar word in our list of words where the 3rd letter is 'r' and 5th letter is 'p'. The definition of 'pyrophone' is as follows: "A musical instrument in which the tones are produced by flames of hydrogen, or illuminating gas, burning in tubes of different sizes and lengths.".
What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble with the above combination ?With a sizeable 1,298 entries, your best option is 'xeraphin' scoring 20 points overall.
How many letters does the longest word on this page consist of?The longest word that's possible to derive from the combination searched for is 'paraphenylenediamine', and it consists 20 characters.
What's the most popular word for this page?The most well-known word is 'abruptly', which is in fact the 5100th most common word in this list.