In Scrabble, what's the highest possible score you can get from words where the 2nd letter is 's' and 4th letter is 'm'?With an extensive 126 entries, we would suggest going for 'psammoma' which scores 16 points overall.
How many acceptable words can you make with this combination of letters?There are 126 words.
Which is the most interesting word where the second letter is 's' and fourth letter is 'm'?By far the most weird word in this list is 'asymmetry'. The definition of 'asymmetry' is as follows: "1. Want of symmetry, or proportion between the parts of a thing, esp. Want of bilateral symmetry. 2. (Math.) Incommensurability. [Obs.] Barrow.". Credit to the Oxford Dictionary.
What's the longest word you can create from this list?The longest word you could construct from this list is 'asymmetrocarpous', and it is made up of 16 characters.