Which word where the 3rd letter is 's' and 5th letter is 'u' is the most common word?A common word for your request is 'discussion'.
What's the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?As there are an enormous 1,263 entries, we'd recommend choosing 'mosquish' which scores 22 points in total.
What is the max number of words you are able to assemble using words where the 3rd letter is 's' and 5th letter is 'u'?There are 1,263 words available using words where the 3rd letter is 's' and 5th letter is 'u'.
Is there an example of a word from this page which might be considered as unique?Ranking as the most peculiar word on this page is 'disruption'. According to the dictionary, 'disruption' is defined as "The act or rending asunder, or the state of being rent asunder or broken in pieces; breach; rent; dilaceration; rupture; as, the disruption of rocks in an earthquake; disruption of a state.".
How many characters does the largest word on this list contain?'Musculoligamentous'