Which word on this page has the largest character count?The largest word that's possible to construct from the combination searched for is 'stubbornhearted', which contains 15 characters.
In total, how many words can one make using this combination of letters?From this page of words where the 2nd letter is 't' and 4th letter is 'b', we have found 140 combinations that are available.
What's the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?With an overwhelming 140 entries, you may want to opt for 'athbash' which scores 15 points.
Which word from this list is the most interesting?There are a handful of peculiar words on this page, having said that our favorite word currently is 'stibiconite'. 'Stibiconite''s definition is "A native oxide of antimony occurring in masses of a yellow color.", according to the English dictionary.
Which word where the second letter is 't' and fourth letter is 'b' is the most popular word in the dictionary?'Stable' is the most popular word from this page, ranked 6103rd most common word.