What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble using the above combination ?As there are an overwhelming 3,635 entries, you should go for 'jubilize' scoring 26 points.
Which word in particular from this list is made up of the highest number of characters?The longest word on this list is 'subdiaphragmatically'. It consists of 20 characters.
How many words can you put together using the combination which you've searched for?You can pick from 3,635 words on our page of words that have 'u' as the second letter and 'b' as third letter.
What word where the second letter is 'u' and third letter is 'b' is the most interesting?We consider that 'submonition' to be the most weird word. 'Submonition' is defined as "Suggestion; prompting. [R.] T. Granger.", according to the dictionary.
What is the most popular word for this page?Our system reveals the most common word where the 2nd letter is 'u' and 3rd letter is 'b' is 'public'.