Is there a word from this page which might be thought of as unique?Our team thinks 'fluke' to be the most weird word. The dictionary defines it as "1. The part of an anchor which fastens in the ground; a flook. See Anchor. 2. (Zoöl.) One of the lobes of a whale's tail, so called from the resemblance to the fluke of an anchor. 3. An instrument for cleaning out a hole drilled in stone for blasting....".
What's the most popular word on this page?Ranking as the 81720th most popular word, you will want to make sure you have 'fluke' written down.
What's the highest number of points you're able to get in Scrabble from this list of words where the 3rd letter is 'u' and 4th letter is 'k'?Given there are a massive 132 entries, your best choice is to consider 'chukchi' which scores 21 points.
How many words are there using these particular combinations of letters?You can go with up to 132 words using our list of words where the 3rd letter is 'u' and 4th letter is 'k'.
How many letters does the longest word from this page consist of?There are 14 letters in the word 'joukerypawkery', making it the longest word veryceleb has.