Words that have 'u' as the third letter and 'y' as fourth letter

In total there are 16 results available for words where the third letter is 'u' and fourth letter is 'y'.

5 letter words

  • ayuyu
  • fluyt
  • gruys
  • thuya

6 letter words

  • amuyon
  • fluyts
  • hauyne
  • nguyen
  • thuyas

7 letter words

  • amuyong
  • bruyere
  • gruyere

8 letter words

  • hauynite

9 letter words

  • houyhnhnm
  • thuyopsis

11 letter words

  • hauynophyre

What is the max number of words you're able to put together using words where the third letter is 'u' and fourth letter is 'y'?
It is possible to make 16 words from the combination you searched for.

What word where the third letter is 'u' and fourth letter is 'y' is the most unique?
The most peculiar word based on public feedback is 'houyhnhnm'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'houyhnhnm' is defined as "One of the race of horses described by Swift in his imaginary travels of Lemuel Gulliver. The Houyhnhnms were endowed with reason and noble qualities; subject to them were Yahoos, a race of brutes having the form and all the worst vices of men.".

What is the highest number of points you're able to get in Scrabble from this list of words where the third letter is 'u' and fourth letter is 'y'?
Using this combination of letters, one can make 'hauynite' for a total score of 14 points.

How many letters does the largest word from this list contain?
The longest word one can assemble from the specified combination is 'hauynophyre', which has 11 characters.