Words that have 'v' as the second letter and 'y' as third letter

Our database has discovered 12 words.

3 letter words

  • hvy
  • ivy

4 letter words

  • avys

7 letter words

  • ivylike
  • ivyweed
  • ivywood
  • ivywort

8 letter words

  • ivybells
  • ivyberry

9 letter words

  • ivyflower

10 letter words

  • ivyberries

11 letter words

  • avyayibhava

Which word on this page has the largest letter count?
'Avyayibhava' is made up of 11 characters, and is the longest word one could make from this list.

What's the most common word where the second letter is 'v' and third letter is 'y' in the dictionary?
Our database notes that the most common word in the dictionary where the 2nd letter is 'v' and 3rd letter is 'y' is 'ivy'!

What's a strange word from the word combos available on this page?
The most weird word from this list is 'ivy'. It is defined as "A plant of the genus Hedera (H. Helix), common in Europe. Its leaves are evergreen, dark, smooth, shining, and mostly five-pointed; the flowers yellowish and small; the berries black or yellow. The stem clings to walls and trees by rootlike fibers. Direct The clasping ivy where to climb. Milton. Ye...".

In total, how many words are possible to make using the combination of letters requested?
There are up to a maximum of 12 entries for this page.

What's the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?
Our suggestion for a score of 19 points is to play the word 'ivyberry'.