How many letters are in the longest word on this page?The biggest word one could derive from words where the 2nd letter is 'x' and 4th letter is 'r' is 'excrementitiousness', and it is made up of 19 letters.
What is an example of a interesting word from this page?Standing as our favorite interesting word on this list is 'extraditable'. According to the dictionary, 'extraditable' is defined as "1. Subject, or liable, to extradition, as a fugitive from justice. 2. Making liable to extradition; as, extraditable offenses.".
In total, how many words is it possible to make using the combination of letters specified?There are a maximum of 589 entries.
Which word where the second letter is 'x' and fourth letter is 'r' is the most popular word in the dictionary?The most common word for the combination you requested is 'expression'.
What's the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?With the volume of words to decide on, we would advise choosing 'exorcize' scoring 26 points.