Words that have 'x' as the third letter and 'b' as fifth letter

For this request, there are 32 results to go with.

7 letter words

  • fixable
  • mixable
  • mixible
  • taxable
  • taxably
  • taxibus
  • vexable

8 letter words

  • auxobody
  • taxables
  • textbook

9 letter words

  • auxoblast
  • hexabasic
  • hexabiose
  • hexobiose
  • textbooks

10 letter words

  • hexabiblos
  • hexabromid
  • mixability
  • taxability

11 letter words

  • hexabromide
  • mixableness
  • moxibustion
  • taxableness
  • textbookish

12 letter words

  • hexobarbital
  • myxobacteria
  • mixobarbaric
  • myxoblastoma
  • textbookless

15 letter words

  • myxobacteriales

16 letter words

  • myxobacteriaceae

17 letter words

  • myxobacteriaceous

What's the total number of words you could make from this list?
You could derive 32 words from this list.

Is there an example word from this page which might be considered as unique?
Arguably one of the most stand out words from this list of words where the 3rd letter is 'x' and 5th letter is 'b' is 'fixable'. According to the English dictionary, 'fixable' means "Capable of being fixed.".

Which word where the 3rd letter is 'x' and 5th letter is 'b' is the most common word in the dictionary?
There's 'textbook' which ranks as the 48252nd most common word.

What is the highest number of points you can get in Scrabble using this list of words where 'x' is the third letter and 'b' is the fifth letter?
One can make 'auxobody' scoring 21 points.

Which word on this page has the highest character count?
The longest word is 17 letters, which is 'myxobacteriaceous'.