Words that have 'z' as the third letter and 'n' as fourth letter

6 entries have been constructed from your specific request.

4 letter words

  • hrzn
  • wezn

7 letter words

  • biznaga
  • viznomy

8 letter words

  • biznagas
  • haznadar

How many words are available using the combination of letters specified?
From this page of words that have 'z' as the third letter and 'n' as fourth letter, you have 6 combinations that are possible.

How many characters does the biggest word from this list consist of?
The word 'biznagas' is made up of 8 characters.

In Scrabble, what's the highest score you can get using this list of words that have 'z' as the third letter and 'n' as fourth letter?
For 24 points, you could play 'viznomy'.