Words that have 'z' as the third letter and 'u' as fourth letter

Your particular request has generated 35 results.

4 letter words

  • wuzu

5 letter words

  • arzun
  • guzul
  • mazur
  • mazut
  • rozum

6 letter words

  • buzuki
  • gazump
  • kozuka
  • lazule
  • lazuli
  • luzula
  • mazuca
  • mazuma
  • mezuza
  • suzuki

7 letter words

  • buzukia
  • buzukis
  • lazulis
  • mazumas
  • mazurka
  • mezuzah
  • mezuzas
  • mezuzot

8 letter words

  • kazuhiro
  • lazuline
  • lazulite
  • lazurite
  • mazurian
  • mazurkas
  • mezuzahs
  • mezuzoth

9 letter words

  • lazulites
  • lazulitic
  • lazurites

What is the highest possible score you can get in Scrabble using this list of words where the third letter is 'z' and fourth letter is 'u'?
Our recommendation for a score of 31 points is playing the word 'mezuzahs'.

Which is the most unusual word where the third letter is 'z' and fourth letter is 'u'?
One of the most unusual words from this list of words where the third letter is 'z' and fourth letter is 'u' is 'lazuli'. It is defined as "A mineral of a fine azure-blue color, usually in small rounded masses. It is essentially a silicate of alumina, lime, and soda, with some sodium sulphide, is often marked by yellow spots or veins of sulphide of iron, and is much valued for ornamental work. Called also lapis lazuli, and...".

How many characters does the largest word from this page contain?
There are 9 letters in the word 'lazulites', that makes it the longest word we have.

How many viable words could one make using the specified combination?
On this page of words that have 'z' as the third letter and 'u' as fourth letter, there are 35 outstanding combinations which are available.

What is the most popular word on this page?
Our database notes that the most popular word where the third letter is 'z' and fourth letter is 'u' is 'lazuli'!