Words ending in 'afy'

Your search has resulted in 4 entries.

5 letter words

  • leafy

6 letter words

  • sheafy

7 letter words

  • chinafy

8 letter words

  • tealeafy

How many letters are in the biggest word on this page?
'tealeafy', made up of 8 letters.

What is the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?
Your only feasible choice is 'chinafy' scoring 18 points.

Is there an example word from this page of word that ends with 'afy' that could be deemed as unusual?
One of the most strange words from this list of words that end with 'afy' is 'leafy'. The accepted definition of 'leafy' is as follows: "1. Full of leaves; abounding in leaves; as, the leafy forest. "The leafy month of June." Coleridge. 2. Consisting of leaves. "A leafy bed." Byron.". Source Oxford Dictionary.

In total, how many words can one make using this combination of letters?
You can pick from 4 entries on this page.

Which word on this page ranks as the most common?
The most popular word for your search is 'leafy'.