What is a peculiar word on this list of words that end with 'ase'?The most peculiar word in this list is 'unease'. The general definition of 'unease' is as follows: "Want of ease; uneasiness. [Obs.]".
In Scrabble, what's the highest number of points you can get from words that end with 'ase'?With an extensive 449 entries, we would recommend choosing 'zymase' which scores 20 points.
Which word on this page ranks as the most common?Our database says the most common word in the dictionary that end with 'ase' is 'case'!
Which word from this list is made up of the largest number of letters?'Acetylcholinesterase', which has 20 characters.
What is the maximum number of words you are able to put together from this list?From this page of words ending in 'ase', you have 449 brilliant combinations which are available overall.