What is the max number of words you could put together using this combination of letters?Altogether, you'll find 858 words.
In Scrabble, what's the highest possible score you can get from this list of words that end with 'at'?With the huge number of words to select from, your best bet is to go for 'zikkurat' which scores 25 points overall.
How many letters does the longest word from this list contain?The longest word that's possible to derive from this list is 'electrothermostat', and it consists of 17 characters.
What is the most common word for this page?We've identified that 'that' is the 7th most common word.
Is there an example of a particular word from this page which might be considered as interesting?You'll notice many interesting words on this page, although our favorite word is 'theocrat'. The typical definition of 'theocrat' is as follows: "One who lives under a theocratic form of government; one who in civil affairs conforms to divine law.".