How many words are there using the combination of letters specified?Altogether, you'll find 155 words.
How many letters are in the biggest word from this list?There are 12 characters in the word 'eisteddfodau', which makes it the largest word on this page.
What is an interesting word from all the word combos available ?Veryceleb feels that 'bigarreau' to be the most weird word on this list. It means "The large white-heart cherry.".
What is the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?As there are plenty of words from which to select, your best choice is 'esquimau' which scores 19 points.
Which word that ends with 'au' is the most common word in the dictionary?The most popular word is 'beau', which is in fact the 5891st most common word in this list.