How many words are there using this list?From this list of words that end with 'dy', there are 490 brilliant entries that are available.
Is there an example of a word from this page of word that ends with 'dy' which could be deemed as interesting?The most stand out word based on expert opinion is 'eddy'. The dictionary defines it as "1. A current of air or water running back, or in a direction contrary to the main current. 2. A current of water or air moving in a circular direction; a whirlpool. And smiling eddies dimpled on the main. Dryden. Wheel through the air, in circling eddies play. Addison. Note:...".
What is the highest number of points you can get in Scrabble from this list of words which end with 'dy'?Given there are an enormous 490 entries, we would suggest going for 'hexapody' which scores 24 points.
What is the most common word on this page?We've identified that 'already' is the 384th most common word.
Which word on this page has the highest letter count?The largest word you can assemble from the specified combination is 'autotetraploidy', which has 15 characters.