In Scrabble, what's the highest number of points you can get from words which end with 'ef'?For 20 points, you are able to play 'kerchief'.
What is the biggest word you can make from this list?The longest word assembled by our team is 'mynpachtbrief'. It consists of 13 characters.
How many words is it possible to make using this combination of letters?There are a maximum of 96 entries.
Is there a specific word from this page of word that ends with 'ef' that could be deemed as interesting in any manner?The most peculiar word from this list is 'fief'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'fief' is defined as "An estate held of a superior on condition of military service; a fee; a feud. See under Benefice, n., 2.".
What's the most popular word on this page?Rating as the 167th most popular word, you'll want to make sure you've got 'def' in your repertoire.