Words ending in 'fi'

Scroll down to discover 14 entries for every word that ends with 'fi'.

2 letter words

  • fi

3 letter words

  • cfi

4 letter words

  • defi
  • rifi
  • safi
  • sufi

5 letter words

  • afifi
  • buffi
  • riffi

6 letter words

  • hanafi

7 letter words

  • ashrafi
  • sherifi
  • trionfi
  • wakwafi

What's the biggest word you can make using words that end with 'fi'?
'ashrafi' (7 characters)

What's the most popular word for this page?
According to our database, the most popular word in the dictionary that end with 'fi' is 'fi'!

What is the maximum number of words one can create from this combination of letters?
There are 14 words that one can find for any word that ends with 'fi'.

What is the highest number of points you can get in Scrabble using this list of words ending in 'fi'?
For a score of 20 points, you are able to play 'wakwafi'.

What word from this page is the most unique?
Our favorite peculiar word from this list is 'sufi'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'sufi' is defined as "A title or surname of the king of Persia. One of a certain order of religious men in Persia. [Written also sofi.]".