In total, how many words is it possible to make using this list?On this page of words that end with 'ft', there are 312 unique entries which can be selected.
What is the most popular word that ends with 'ft'?A well-known word for your request is 'left'.
What is a strange word on this list of words that end with 'ft'?The most stand out word in our opinion is 'weft'. According to the English dictionary, 'weft' means "imp. & P. P. Of Wave. A thing waved, waived, or cast away; a waif. [Obs.] "A forlorn weft." Spenser. 1. The woof of cloth; the threads that cross the warp from selvage to selvage; the thread carried by the shuttle in weaving. 2. A web; a thing woven.".
Which word in particular from this list has the largest character count?The word 'markgenossenschaft' is made up of 18 characters.
What's the highest possible score you could get in Scrabble from this list of words ending in 'ft'?Since there are an enormous 312 entries, your best option is 'zoograft' scoring 21 points.