How many words can you make using the combination searched for?You can select up to a maximum of 21 entries using our page of words ending in 'hit'.
Which word that ends with 'hit' is the most popular word?Rating as the 3158th most popular word, you'll want to ensure you have 'hit' in your arsenal.
What is the highest number of points you could get in Scrabble using this list of words that end with 'hit'?We advise using 'skirwhit' for a score of 18 points.
What is the largest word you can derive using this list?'chickenshit' (11 characters)
What is an example of a unusual word from this list?There are many peculiar words in this list, albeit our favorite word is 'chit'. It means "1. The embryo or the growing bud of a plant; a shoot; a sprout; as, the chits of Indian corn or of potatoes. 2. A child or babe; as, a forward chit; also, a young, small, or insignificant person or animal. A little chit of a woman. Thackeray. 3. An...".