What is the maximum number of words you are able to make from this list?On this page of words ending in 'lim', you have 25 entries that can be selected.
In Scrabble, what's the highest number of points you can get from this list of words that end with 'lim'?One could make 'nephilim' which gets 15 points.
What's the biggest word you can assemble using words that end with 'lim'?The largest word that's possible to derive from this list is 'malayalim', which has 9 letters.
What word that ends with 'lim' is the most unique?We consider 'plim' to be the most unusual word you can construct. The definition of 'plim' is as follows: "To swell, as grain or wood with water. [Prov. Eng.] Grose. PLIMSOLL'S MARK Plim"soll's mark`. (Naut.) A mark conspicuously painted on the port side of all British sea-going merchant vessels, to indicate the limit of submergence allowed by law; -- so called from Samuel Plimsoll, by whose efforts the...".
What's the most common word that ends with 'lim' in the dictionary?The most well-known word in this list according to our system is 'slim', which in fact is the 10154th most common word in the dictionary.