Words ending in 'mni'

Scroll down to discover 4 entries for every word that ends with 'mni'.

4 letter words

  • omni

5 letter words

  • kumni
  • zemni

6 letter words

  • alumni

What's the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?
With a small number of words possible, the only option you can go for is 'zemni' which totals 16 points.

What is the max number of words you can assemble from this combination of letters?
You can go with up to 4 entries using our list of words which end with 'mni'.

What word that ends with 'mni' is the most unusual?
You can find numerous interesting words on this page, although our favorite word is 'zemni'. It is defined as "The blind mole rat (Spalax typhlus), native of Eastern Europe and Asia. Its eyes and ears are rudimentary, and its fur is soft and brownish, more or less tinged with gray. It constructs extensive burrows.".

What is the most popular word that ends with 'mni'?
'Omni' is the most well-known word from this list, ranked 54892nd most common word.

How many letters are in the longest word on this page?
The largest word you could assemble from this combination is 'alumni', and it is made up of 6 characters.