Words ending in 'nz'

This combination has generated 7 solutions.

4 letter words

  • gunz

5 letter words

  • franz
  • heinz
  • hienz

6 letter words

  • schanz

10 letter words

  • fackeltanz

11 letter words

  • liederkranz

How many letters does the longest word on this page consist of?
There are 11 characters in the word 'liederkranz', making it the longest word on our list.

How many words can you put together with words that end with 'nz'?
You can go with up to 7 entries using our page of words that end with 'nz'.

In Scrabble, what's the most points possible using this list of words which end with 'nz'?
For 20 points in Scrabble, you are able to play 'schanz'.

What is the most common word that ends with 'nz'?
Our database says the most common word in the dictionary that end with 'nz' is 'franz'!

Is there an example word from this page which could be deemed as unusual in any respect?
You'll notice numerous weird words in this list, albeit our favorite word happens to be 'liederkranz'. 'Liederkranz''s definition is "Lit., wreath of songs; -- used as the title of a group of songs, and esp. As the common name for German vocal clubs of men.", according to the English dictionary.