Words ending in 'rc'

25 terms have been found by our database.

2 letter words

  • rc

3 letter words

  • arc
  • crc
  • orc

4 letter words

  • circ
  • marc
  • merc
  • narc
  • parc
  • porc
  • torc

6 letter words

  • cwierc

7 letter words

  • futharc
  • futhorc
  • semiarc

8 letter words

  • acrosarc
  • ectosarc
  • endosarc
  • entosarc
  • homocerc
  • perisarc

9 letter words

  • beauclerc
  • caulosarc
  • coenosarc

10 letter words

  • heterocerc

In total, how many possible words can you make using the combination requested?
From this list of words that end with 'rc', veryceleb has discovered 25 entries which can be selected.

How many characters are in the biggest word on this page?
The longest word is 10 letters, which is 'heterocerc'.

What's a strange word from the combinations possible on this page?
You'll note a handful of strange words in this list, with that said our favorite word happens to be 'endosarc'. The common definition of 'endosarc' is as follows: "The semifluid, granular interior of certain unicellular organisms, as the inner layer of sarcode in the amoeba; entoplasm; endoplasta.". Credit goes to Cambridge Dictionary.

In Scrabble, what's the highest score possible using this list of words which end with 'rc'?
From this particular combination, the best word you should play is 'homocerc' for a total score of 17 points in Scrabble.

What's the most popular word on this page?
The most well-known word for the combination you searched is 'arc'.