What is the highest number of points you can get in Scrabble using this list of words ending in 'ri'?With the volume of words to choose from, we'd recommend going for 'bhojpuri' scoring 22 points.
How many viable words are possible to make using this combination of letters?It is possible to derive 414 words with the combination you specified.
Which word from this list has the largest character count?The word 'teleutosorusori' is made up of 15 characters.
What is a weird word on this page of words that end with 'ri'?By far the most peculiar word from this list is 'indri'. It means "Any lemurine animal of the genus Indris. Note: Several species are known, all of them natives of Madagascar, as the diadem indris (I. Diadema), which has a white ruff around the forehead; the woolly indris (I. Laniger); and the short-tailed or black indris (I. Brevicaudatus), which is black, varied with...".
Which word on this page ranks as the most common?Our database says the most popular word in the dictionary that end with 'ri' is 'mari'!