What is the most common word for this page?Rating as the 419th most popular word, you'll want to ensure you've got 'wish' in your arsenal.
Which word in particular on this page has the highest letter count?There are 18 letters in the word 'counterdistinguish', making it the largest word veryceleb has.
What is the highest score you could get in Scrabble from this list of words that end with 'sh'?With a vast 2,305 entries, your best choice is to consider 'quizzish' scoring 38 points overall.
What is a peculiar word from all the combinations available ?Arguably one of the most interesting words from this list is 'disfurnish'. It is defined as "To deprive of that with which anything is furnished (furniture, equipments, etc.); to strip; to render destitute; to divest. I am a thing obscure, disfurnished of All merit, that can raise me higher. Massinger.".
What's the maximum number of words you can create from words that end with 'sh'?You can choose from 2,305 words which address your query.