How many words are there using these particular combinations of letters?There are 205 amazing words you can choose for words that end with 'sic'.
What is an example of a unusual word that ends with 'sic'?Certainly one of the most weird words from this list is 'nitroprussic'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'nitroprussic' means "Pertaining to, derived from, or designating, a complex acid called nitroprussic acid, obtained indirectly by the action of nitric acid on potassium ferrocyanide (yellow prussiate), as a red crystalline unstable substance. It forms salts called nitroprussides, which give a rich purple color with alkaline subphides.".
What's the most common word for this page?Our system says the most common word that end with 'sic' is 'music'!
What's the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?With a massive 205 entries, you'll want to opt for 'oxydasic' scoring 21 points.
How many letters are in the largest word from this page?'Neuroleptanalgesic' is the largest word that we could find. It has 18 characters.