In total, how many words are there using this combination of letters?On this list of words ending in 'soc', you have 2 combinations which can be selected.
What's the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?2 combinations offered, the only word you can go for is 'assoc' which totals 7 points.
What is the most unusual word that ends with 'soc'?Certainly one of the most unusual words from this list is 'soc'. It means "1. (O. Eng. Law) (a) The lord's power or privilege of holding a court in a district, as in manor or lordship; jurisdiction of causes, and the limits of that jurisdiction. (B) Liberty or privilege of tenants excused from customary burdens. 2. An exclusive privilege formerly claimed by millers of...".
How many characters does the largest word from this page contain?'Assoc' is the largest word that our database could find. It has 5 characters.