How many words could one make from this combination of letters?You can select up to a maximum of 83 entries on our page of words ending in 'ub'.
Is there a word on this page that sticks out as the most popular?We've identified that 'club' is the 4317th most common word.
What's the highest number of points you could get in Scrabble from this list of words ending in 'ub'?One can make 'belzebub' for a total of 23 points.
What is an unusual word from this page?Our favorite strange word from this page is 'drub'. According to the dictionary, 'drub' is defined as "To beat with a stick; to thrash; to cudgel. Soundly Drubbed with a good honest cudgel. L'Estrange. A blow with a cudgel; a thump. Addison.".
How many letters are in the longest word on this page?'Underscrub' contains 10 characters, and is the largest word that's possible to make from the combination specified.