Words ending in 'uh'

13 terms were discovered in our archives.

2 letter words

  • uh

3 letter words

  • auh
  • huh
  • yuh

4 letter words

  • pruh

5 letter words

  • dabuh
  • schuh
  • shluh

6 letter words

  • chleuh

7 letter words

  • roubouh
  • shilluh

8 letter words

  • garookuh
  • wurraluh

What is the maximum number of words you're able to put together using words that end with 'uh'?
From this page of words that end with 'uh', you have 13 entries that are possible overall.

What is the most common word that ends with 'uh' in the dictionary?
Our system notes that the most common word that end with 'uh' is 'yuh'!

Which word in particular on this page consists the highest number of characters?
The longest word on this list is 'garookuh'. It consists of 8 characters.

What is a weird word on this list of words that end with 'uh'?
Our favorite weird word from this page is 'garookuh'. The definition of 'garookuh' is as follows: "A small fishing vessel met with in the Persian Gulf.". Credit to the Oxford Dictionary.

What's the highest score you could get in Scrabble using this list of words that end with 'uh'?
It is possible to make 'garookuh' for a total of 16 points.