In Scrabble, what is the highest score you can get from this list of words that start with 'acu'?For 13 points, it's possible to play 'acuchi'.
Which word in particular from this list has the largest letter count?The longest word is 15 letters, which is 'acupuncturation'.
Which word that starts with 'acu' is the most common word?According to our records, the most common word in the dictionary that start with 'acu' is 'acute'.
What is the max number of words one can put together using this combination of letters?Altogether, there are 72 words.
What word from this list is the most interesting?A good example of a strange word from this page goes to 'acuity'. 'Acuity' is defined as "Sharpness or acuteness, as of a needle, wit, etc.", according to the English dictionary.